Friday, 6 March 2015

Remember the basics when applying for a job !

Applying for a job usually seems simple. You just hit the “apply” button, or send your CV through your email, job done. The problem is that about 50% of people that apply for a job forget about the basics! 

Here are 6 useful tips on how to successfully apply for the job:

1) Read the advertisement. Whatever is requested is what you should provide. If a cover letter is requested, this normally means the recruiter wants to know a little more about you than your CV will tell them, so write a few paragraphs to introduce and sell yourself. Your CV will list the facts about you in a simple way, but the cover letter is your opportunity to shine your personality through. Even if you are not exactly qualified but know you could do the job, this is where you have a chance to prove it.

2) Is a CV requested? If so, prepare one. If you don't have one ready, go online and find a template or ask a friend to help you. It is never okay just to provide a few notes about yourself here. Two or three pages about yourself, your contact details, your education, qualifications, your employment history, training and interests, with a couple of referee's contact details are fine. A ten line list of past job titles attached to a letter is not a CV. It is unlikely the recruiter will want to read through ten pages either, so keep it simple but informative and make sure to tweak it for the particular role - expand on your relevant experience and shorten the parts that are not so relevant.

3) It is normally good to add a small portrait type photo to your CV. Look professional, smart and happy. We recently received a full page photo attached to an emailed application which would have looked well placed in a glamour magazine. If you want to be taken seriously, think carefully about the impression your photo will create to the person to whom you are sending it.

4) Research the company - if you can mention that you have been to the company's website or have knowledge of the work they do, this will add credence and an air of enthusiasm to your application. Pick out key words from their literature - the advert included - and use these appropriately if possible throughout your application. Show that you have an understanding of the role you are applying for. Have another look through the website thoroughly before your interview if you reach that stage.

5) Spell-check!! Whatever format your letter, email and CV are in, copy and paste them into a word document first to ensure they are checked for any spelling or grammatical errors. Even if the job doesn't involve any writing at all, your application will create an impression of you, your attention to detail and your intelligence level. Ask a friend to read it through before you send it too, as our PC's don't always highlight every mistake.

6) Make sure to enter a header and some text in the email, if this is how you are sending your CV. Otherwise, it will most likely be deleted as spam, or go straight to junkmail. Oh, and don't use email addresses like bunnykins@ or sexysue@ unless you are applying to an escort agency!
Finally, if you do make it to the interview stage, dress appropriately. Even if the work environment it casual, it is better to always look smart for an interview - tidy hair, clean shoes, no jeans or ripped clothing (yes, it does happen) and smelling nice. It may sound old-fashioned but in this tough environment you will need to make that extra effort to look smart and well-groomed if you want to succeed at an interview. First impressions are so important and even if you had the best application and CV, perform the highest in the tests and answer all the questions correctly, if the potential employer thinks you are scruffy, unclean or unkempt, you could have blown your chance before you even opened your mouth to speak.

Article found on:  

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