Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Work Experience By Job Heaven

Whether you’ve gone to university or not, during or after your degree work experience is invaluable in helping you get your foot on the ladder of employment and leading you to your Job Heaven.
There are various types of work experience to consider - 

  • Work Placement – This can be paid or unpaid as part of a course of study, can be arranged for a specific period of time either through your University or the Employer.
  • Sandwich Placements – Often for the duration of one year for a course, it is a specific piece of assessed work.
  • Voluntary work – Usually conducted in your spare time away from your course, unpaid.
  • Part-time work – Taken during the term time, can be paid or unpaid
  • Vocational work – Usually undertaken to enhance your CV or improve job prospects, can be part-time or temporary work for students or full time for graduates.
  • Work-based project – A specific piece of assessed work for a course, conducted on an employer’s grounds.
  • Work Shadowing – Where a student gains the understanding of what happens within an organisation by observing an employee in an organisation.

With so many young people applying for each vacancy, having that extra bit of work experience could be the difference between you getting that job over other contenders. Look online or speak to your careers advisor, maybe a family friend will let you help out at their company?
Undertaking work experience will help you decide if you are interested in a certain career path, let you network and exchange ideas with industry professionals and most of all improve your career prospects.
To get up to date information on the latest placements you can apply for, register with us here.

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